
The Concentration and Production of Ozone

O3tech 2016-9-27 16:59:26

Ozone is a kind of mixed gas. The concentration of ozone is usually expressed as mass ratio and volume ratio. Mass ratio refers to the quality of the ozone in the unit volume of mixed gas. Its common units are mg/L or g/m3. Volume ratio refers to the ozone content or percentage content per unit volume, which usually can be expressed by 2%, 5%, 12%, etc... The health industry commonly used ppm to represent the ozone concentration. The ozone volume is part per million in the mixture of ozone per cubic meter, which can be expressed as 1ppm. Ozone concentration is an important index to measure the technical content and performance of the ozone generator. Under the same conditions, the higher output of the ozone concentration, the higher its quality.

The main factors influencing the ozone concentration are as follows

1# Structure and machining accuracy of ozone generator;

2# The cooling method and conditions;

3# The driving voltage and driving frequency;

4# Dielectric materials;

5# The oxygen content and cleanliness and drying degree in raw gas 

Ozone production refers to the output of an ozone generator per unit time. Ozone production is the product of ozone concentration values and the total volume of the ozone generator. It usually can be expressed by these units such as mg/h, g/h and kg/h. according to the regulation of the standard of ozonator, specifications and models of ozone generator should be indicated and distinguished through the production of ozone. Small ozone generators use g/h as unit. The large ozone generators use kg/h as unit to distinguish the different sizes of machines.