
Difference between Air Source Feeding and Oxygen Source Feeding Ozone Generator

O3tech 2016-11-15 16:36:50

Difference between Air Source Feeding and Oxygen Source Feeding Ozone Generator

Ozone is the allotrope of oxygen. Through high corona discharge, oxygen could b e turned into ozone gas. Ozone is easily to be decomposed into oxygen in the air.

Air source feeding ozone generator: Ozone generator whose gas source is air is called air-source feeding ozone generator. That is through high corona discharge to turn 20% oxygen in the air into ozone. Due to material and precision of ozone tube, its ozone concentration is not high and generally be used for air sterilization and sterilization of material surface.

Oxygen source feeding ozone generator: Ozone generator whose gas source is bottle oxygen or small-sized oxygen generator is called oxygen source ozone generator. Firstly, use oxygen generator to generate pure oxygen. Then through high corona discharge, pure oxygen will be turned into ozone gas of high concentration. Therefore, generally ozone gas concentration of oxygen source feeding is usually more than a few times of that of air source feeding style.

Factors affecting ozone concentration:

a. Oxygen generator

Oxygen generator is one of the key factors that determine ozone concentration. For oxygen generator of high quality, oxygen concentration could reach more than 93%.

b. Precision and dissipation effect of ozone tube

If the ozone tube discharge gap is uniform and the cooling effect is good, the concentration can reach 300mg/L. However, it is difficult to reach that value in our country due to machining precision. In China, the highest ozone concentration that we could reach is 120mg/L.

Therefore, one of the reasons why the price is different is because oxygen generator and ozone tube is different. This also explains why using 30g ozone generator to treat 10 tons of water, some can reach 0.5ppm, and some cannot even reach 0.2ppm. This is also why some experts recommend ozone generator of O3 Tech (H.K.)Limited.